2014. január 21., kedd

It's ninja time !

When I was little it was one of my fave shows.

To be honest I don't remember much of it but I know I loved it. But when the new little darker version appeared I have fallen in love. Looking back the original TMNT was for little kids, but this new version is more mature. Changes were made and I like it.

I like the drawing style , humor, the stories that the 4 turtles has got different skin colors, that's a minor thing but I like it ^^ The voice acting is great also imo it matches their characters. 

My fave turtle is Rafaello/Raphael. Mainly because his name was a chocolate brand name (I was little okay xD) but now I like him because his character, guess I have a thing for tough hot heads with the heart of gold. Also his hungarian dub is one of my fave va in hungary ^^ there is very little difference between the english and the hun version. I love both of 'em it's gooood ~ 
and I love the name Raphael it's so sexy  :D

I like all the seasons and judge me all you want but I liked fast forward too. But when I saw the back to the sewers and saw they have eyeballs (it sounds weird xD) I was like nope I like the other design better. so I stopped there. And this new 3D TMNT is a nope to me also. Saw 1 episode it was okay but didn't drag me in.

So I'm always happy when they put it on TV or have the chance to watch it online.

pic from tumblr


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