2013. április 29., hétfő

Fave music of this month

I decided to put here my current fave songs of this month/time ^.^

I never watched this anime
but I fucking love the opening and the ending

this is just an ost no singing in it but I love it (the crow is the best >< !! )

I love to sing this song :DD *^^*

앤디 야~~~~~.. this man is killing me.
I know here he is not that strong singer but I like it ^^
(there is an audio video up there somewhere but this bitch doesn't want to show up XD)

2013. április 15., hétfő

Hello Spring [UPDATED]

   Today was a really hot and beautiful day so I decided to head out with my camera ^^ 
   unfortunately get out of batteries in the middle so I couldn't take as many pictures as I
   wanted (damn it ><)
UPDATE ~  I finished what I wanted so this post is longer ^^

2013. április 1., hétfő

Elle fashion show - video

Here is the video of the fashion show ^^ the editing was done by me and my brother ~
(cuz thats what he learns so he can help me out right ?!) 
Enjoy ~
music : SHINY SHINY instr.